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World Bible Quiz Association Snowflake Tournament. 1st Place: Living Water (Summit Academy) Jack Stamper, Noah Stamper, Brianna Bowling
Bible lessons help students apply God's Word to their lives
Hands-on learning with pattern blocks opens the pathway to more advanced concepts later on
100th day of school
2018-2019 school year
We are 100 days smarter!
Engaging lessons help students love learning
Our library is full of learning opportunities
Students practice public speaking and leadership skills by presenting their projects in a positive and encouraging environment
Science lessons are brought to life as students experiment using scales
Kinesthetic learning with colored sand engages all parts of the brain and activates memory
Learning units and conversions with hands-on tools makes abstract math concepts concrete
Modeling clay project
Colorful, engaging textbooks
Academic lessons are Biblically integrated
Learning the Fruits of the Spirit
Math lesson correlates with special "100th Day of School"
Older students practice leadership, and younger students boost their comprehension through the"Reading Buddy" system
Our Reading Center provides students a comfortable space to improve their reading skills
At the Creation Museum with Buddy Davis - a singer, songwriter, adventurer, and paleo-artist
Suspension bridge in the Creation Museum's botanical gardens
Students program a robot to respond to sound, recognize colors, and execute other commands at the Creation Museum's Robotics Event
Students test their programming work by making their robot execute commands and tasks
Students celebrate their success at the Creation Museum's Robotics Event
Summit Academy's Bible Quiz team - 1st Place at the Great Lakes Regional Tournament in Michigan
Bible Quizzers focus intensely as a question is read
The first Quizzer to "jump" gets to answer the question
2nd Place in the National Finals competition in Chicago
Bible Quiz team pyramid
Making a Thanksgiving "Turkey" craft
Making a Thanksgiving "Turkey" craft
Christmas performance brings holiday cheer to residents at Shawneespring retirement home
5th Grade Acting Team performance
Mrs. Wilkins with the 3rd Grade Acting Team
3rd Grade Acting Team rehearsal
Field trip to the farm
At the farm, students apply lessons they've learned in science class
Students interact with farm animals
Hay ride
Students learn how the farm is the source of our food
Students understand how the proper feeding and care of animals is important to the life of the farm
Experience dinosaurs up-close at the Creation Museum
Noah's Ark display at the Creation Museum
Dinosaurs are an important part of our earth's natural history
Capture the Flag game provides lots of interactive fun at recess
Acres of play area offer numerous fun activities
All-school kickball
Perfect sledding hill on-site
Winter recess is just as much fun!
Sledding is best enjoyed with friends
Summit Academy's Giant Bubble activity at Highlighter community event
Summit Academy's Giant Bubble activity at Highlighter community event
Summit Academy's Giant Bubble activity at Highlighter community event