Board of Directors
Summit Academy was founded by community members with a passion for Christian education -- including educators, motivated parents, ministry leaders, business leaders, and financial consultants. The school's Board of Directors operates the school in accordance with the school's Mission Statement and Statement of Faith.
Carol Fulkerson holds a Master's degree in Education, has taught for more than 30 years at the elementary school level, and has additional teaching experience in both middle school and high school. Mrs. Fulkerson completed post-graduate specialized training in learning styles and instructional techniques for students with reading difficulties and has served as a reading specialist in the public school system. She has also taught at several of southwest Ohio's most renowned Christian schools, including Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, and she brings previous experience as a Christian school principal to her role as Summit Academy's administrator. Mrs. Fulkerson's passion is to teach students how the truth of God's Word lines up with academic knowledge. She leads Summit Academy's extracurricular Bible Quiz team, which placed 2nd at the national competition in Chicago, IL. Mrs. Fulkerson serves as president of the board.
Willisa Redford is loved in the Harrison community and is best known for her role as Children’s Pastor at Legacy Christian Church, where she has served for the past 13 years. Mrs. Redford has also been a public school teacher in the Mt. Healthy School District, teaching a special needs class for grades 4-6. She received the "Teacher of the Year" award in her second year of teaching. She has served as a private academic tutor, and has homeschooled three of her own children from kindergarten through 7th grade. Mrs. Redford holds a Master’s degree in Literacy, a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education. She is also a Certified Reading Specialist. Mrs. Redford's love for children and commitment to excellence shines through all her work, and she is a true blessing to Summit Academy.
Linda Reichart served as a community and ministry leader for 25 years while living in the southwestern Ohio region. She served as a publicly-elected school board member in a district now serving over 7,600 students, and she was also a school nurse for over 600 students at Dayton Christian Schools. As Director of Early Childhood Ministries, Mrs. Reichart led Fairhaven Church's ministry for approximately 400 young children each week. Mrs. Reichart has long been an advocate of Christian education and believes that Christian schools best enable students reach their full, God-given potential while instilling in them a love for others, for Christ, and for the Bible. Mrs. Reichart and her husband prioritized Christian education for their 3 children, who are now adults and who are also serving the Lord. Mrs. Reichart serves as secretary of the board.
Trina Mavin is the principal at West Highland Christian Academy in Milford, MI. She holds degrees in Early Childhood Development and Christian Education, as well as a Master's Degree in Educational Administration. Mrs. Mavin and her husband, a pastor and Christian school educator, have been involved in Christian ministries and education for over 25 years. Mrs. Mavin is passionate about integrating Biblical truth into all aspects of the school's academic program. She is a pioneer in inclusive education, developing and implementing a program that incorporates into the classroom environment instructional techniques for all types of learners. She and her husband have made Christian education a priority for their 4 children, ages 13 to 20.