Educational Excellence from a Biblical Vantage Point
Celebrating an 9:1 student-teacher ratio
6277 Collegevue Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
Pillar Ministries Campus, home of Star 93.3 Radio
We invite you to join us for Open House at our new location!
Summit Academy Open House Dates:
February 22, March 8 & 22, April 5 10am - Noon
6277 Collegevue Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
Pillar Ministries Campus, home of Star 93.3 Radio
We invite you to join us for Open House at our new location!
Summit Academy Open House Dates:
February 22, March 8 & 22, April 5 10am - Noon
Qualifying Students Can Receive Free Tuition at Summit Academy.
98% of all in-state students receive free tuition!
Summit Academy is a chartered K-12 non-tax, private, Christian school in the state of Ohio. As such, we are able to accept both the Ohio EdChoice Traditional scholarship and the Ohio EdChoice Expansion scholarship for qualifying families. We are also an approved provider of the Jon Peterson scholarship for IEP students. Families may qualify to receive free tuition to Summit Academy through any of these scholarship programs. (See the Ohio Department of Education website or call our office for details.) This great program makes it possible for Summit Academy to serve more students. Our mission is to provide an affordable, Biblical worldview education to all families. We thank the Lord for this opportunity!
2025-2026 Income Guidelines for FREE TUITION for Ohio Families
If your family/household income is at or below the guidelines below, your student will qualify for FREE TUITION at Summit Academy. If your family/household income is above these guidelines, you will qualify for a portion of the scholarship to cover your student's tuition. Please visit: EdChoice Expansion Resources | Ohio Department of Education and Workforce for more information.
Number in Family/Household Size Income Amount
1 $70,425.00
2 $95,175.00
3 $119,925.00
4 $144,675.00
5 $169,425.00
6 $194,175.00
7 $218,925.00
8 $243,675.00
For each additional person add: $24,750.00
A Christian Education and Curriculum
2025-2026 Income Guidelines for FREE TUITION for Ohio Families
If your family/household income is at or below the guidelines below, your student will qualify for FREE TUITION at Summit Academy. If your family/household income is above these guidelines, you will qualify for a portion of the scholarship to cover your student's tuition. Please visit: EdChoice Expansion Resources | Ohio Department of Education and Workforce for more information.
Number in Family/Household Size Income Amount
1 $70,425.00
2 $95,175.00
3 $119,925.00
4 $144,675.00
5 $169,425.00
6 $194,175.00
7 $218,925.00
8 $243,675.00
For each additional person add: $24,750.00
A Christian Education and Curriculum
Our teaching materials provide students with a Christian education that aligns with truth of God’s word. Our mission is to provide students with a strong Biblical foundation from which they can launch a clear understanding of the world.
Summit Students Serve
We are very proud of Summit students who have enthusiastically demonstrated their commitment to serving others. Last year our students helped at an Operation Christmas Child collection center, packing crates of shoe boxes. Students also eagerly participated in a “penny war” to raise money to help students from another Christian school's Bible quiz team to travel to a tournament. Summit students also volunteered at Matthew 25 Ministries, where they contributed their time and energy toward critical disaster relief efforts. It is a blessing to see our students wholeheartedly focused on the needs of others.
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Instagram: @_summit_academy
Instagram: @_summit_academy